Times Shop.xyz (Local Vendor)
Times Shop.xyz
286/C Khilgoan -1219
Business Category: Grocery
Delivery Area: ((1219))
Teer Flour(2 kg)
Price: 150TK
Save: 0TK
Product Code: 37559
Point: 15.00
Weight: 2 kg
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Origin: Bangladesh
Teer Flour is milled from selected high protein wheat from Canada, America, Australia and Russia using top-notch Swiss technologies from Buhler. TEER Flour is the result of attention to detail, consistency in milling, and desire to ensure the very best baking experience possible, every time. Only selected fine flour is packed for the consumers to ensure taste as well as nutrition.
Terms & Conditions
- This products will be delivered within 2 hours in Dhaka city for Grocery products.
- This products will be delivered within 7 days for national vendor product.
- We accept return products and refund product price within 10 days.
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