Times Shop.xyz (Local Vendor)
Times Shop.xyz
286/C Khilgoan -1219
Business Category: Grocery
Delivery Area: ((1219))
Pran Mango Jam(500 gm)
Price: 185TK
Save: 0TK
Product Code: 37228
Point: 14.00
Weight: 0.500gm
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Product: Pran Mango Jam
Type: Jam
Brand: PRAN
Weight: 500gm
Features: Pran mango jam can be your daily breakfast companion. And plays a role in your health, May Improve Digestive Health.
May Support Eye Health.
May Improve Hair and Skin Health.
May Help Lower Your Risk of Certain Cancers.
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- This products will be delivered within 2 hours in Dhaka city for Grocery products.
- This products will be delivered within 7 days for national vendor product.
- We accept return products and refund product price within 10 days.
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