Times Shop.xyz (Local Vendor)
Times Shop.xyz
286/C Khilgoan -1219
Business Category: Grocery
Delivery Area: ((1219))
Times Regular Detergent Powder(500 gm)
Price: 75TK
Save: 0TK
Product Code: 37098
Point: 20.00
Weight: 0.500gm
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Detergents are surfactants since they can decrease the surface tension of water. Their dual nature facilitates the mixture of hydrophobic compounds (like oil and grease) with water. Because air is not hydrophilic, detergents are also foaming agents to varying degrees.
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- This products will be delivered within 2 hours in Dhaka city for Grocery products.
- This products will be delivered within 7 days for national vendor product.
- We accept return products and refund product price within 10 days.
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