Times Shop.xyz (Local Vendor)
Times Shop.xyz
286/C Khilgoan -1219
Business Category: Grocery
Delivery Area: ((1219))
Jui Hair Care Oil(200 ml)
Price: 200TK
Save: 0TK
Product Code: 37821
Point: 22.00
Weight: 0.200ml
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Jui Hair Care is light & non-sticky, a composition of 10 essential oils and 5 necessary vitamins which ensures maximum nourishment of the hair. Jui Hair Care is highly enriched in Vitamin E (1000 times more vitamin E compare to ordinary hair oils) & A, which ensures hair’s protection from the harmful UV radiation of the sun. Vitamin B increases hair growth cells assisting in new hairs to grow faster. Vitamin C reduces the presence of iron on the scalp and increases strength from the root. Vitamin F controls hair damage, cancels dryness and amplifies natural shine. Main Ingredients: Mineral Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Dragobotania, 10 essential herbal extracts, 5 essential vitamins, perfume, oil soluble green color.
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- This products will be delivered within 2 hours in Dhaka city for Grocery products.
- This products will be delivered within 7 days for national vendor product.
- We accept return products and refund product price within 10 days.
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